By Justin Sink of Five-term congressman Brad Miller (D-N.C.) who represents UNC Greensboro said Wednesday he would retire rather than face a primary challenge against Rep. David Price (D-N.C.) after redistricting redrew his congressional district into a Republican stronghold. “My only two options are to run in a primary with David Price or not […]

by Goldie Blumenstyk of The Chronicle of Higher Education President Obama brought his campaign for college affordability to a cheering audience of Michigan college students and local residents here on Friday morning, pledging that his administration would be “putting colleges on notice” over rising costs and issuing a call for continued public support for higher education […]

by Council on Governmental Affairs, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, January 23, 2012 NIH released last week their Notice of Salary Limitation on Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Contracts. This pertains to the change included in the FY2012 appropriations legislation for NIH, which dropped the grantee salary rate cap from Executive Level I to Executive Level […]

Article written by Kelly Field of The Chronicle of Higher Education Congressional leaders reached agreement late Thursday on a spending bill for the remainder of the current fiscal year that would increase funds for the National Institutes of Health by 1 percent, or $300-million, and maintain the maximum Pell Grant at $5,550, but only by tightening […]

Article written by Kelly Field of The Chronicle of Higher Education Washington-The Congressional supercommittee charged with cutting $1.2-trillion from the federal budget conceded defeat Monday, after its members reached an impasse over taxes and entitlement spending. The panel’s failure to produce a deficit-reduction plan triggers across-the-board cuts of roughly $1-trillion in discretionary spending over nine years, […]

NCG will mark this Veterans Day — 11-11-11, the tenth anniversary of post-9/11 combat — with a remembrance ceremony and roll call of the 6,300-plus men and women who have lost their lives in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. The ceremony begins at 6 a.m. on the Elliott University Center West Lawn. Roll call begins […]

WASHINGTON, D.C.  – U.S. Senator Kay R. Hagan (NC) will today introduce the Violence Against Women Health Initiative to raise awareness of domestic violence for health care providers allowing them to better assess and treat survivors of domestic violence. “October is Domestic Violence Awareness month, but this is a problem that demands attention 365 days a year,” […]

On September 26, Congressman Brad Miller took a tour of Jefferson Suites and visited an ENT/ECO 100 class taught by Dr. Jeff Sarbaum, Professor of Economics. The visit highlighted UNCG’s newest living-learning community, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, which is on the 6th floor of Jefferson Suites. Chancellor Linda Brady, along with Dr. Mac Banks, Dr. Dianne Welsh, Dr. Lisa Tolbert, Bryan Toney, Laura Pipe, and Bryan Botts accompanied the Congressman […]

On July 31, Congressional Leaders and President Obama reached agreement on a bill that will avoid government default on its obligated payments and reduce the deficit by at least $2.1 trillion dollars over the next 10 years. The House passed the bill by a vote of 269 to 161 and the Senate passed it by vote of 74 […]

by Council on Governmental Affairs, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, August 24, 2011 On August 23, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued thefinal rule on management of financial conflicts of interest of extramural research investigators, which includes NIH funded researchers. According to the NIH, the revised regulations institute a more rigorous approach […]