Federal-Loan Changes May Curb Graduate Study: End to federal subsidy is likely to increase students’ debt burden By Stacey Patton of The Chronicle of Higher Education As the nation’s student-loan debt surpasses the $1-trillion mark, alarming students, parents, and politicians, few are thinking about the effects it is having on people like Michael J. Trivette, a […]

On Thursday, June 14, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved, by a 16-14 vote along party lines, the FY2013 Labor, Health & Human Services, and Education appropriations bill allowing for $158.8 billion in discretionary funding for FY13, an increase of $2 billion over current levels. Bill includes, among others, the following provisions: Provides funding for the […]

By Seung Min Kim of Politico.com Full Article The partisan clash over extending low student loan interest rates underscores a dilemma Congress faces as it considers a myriad of options in the coming year to control rising college tuition costs. Lawmakers want to help. They just don’t have the money. At a time when more […]

Psychologist Dr. Jacquelyn White, who is retiring from UNCG after 41 years of service, will be heading to Washington, D.C., for work with the U.S. Congress through a fellowship from the American Psychological Association. White has been awarded the prestigious Catherine Acuff Congressional Fellowship, which gives psychologists an opportunity to work in congressional offices or […]

Last week, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued budget guidance for FY2014 to federal departments and agencies.  It asks agencies to provide FY2014 budget submissions at levels five percent below the net discretionary total provided to each in the Administration’s 2013 Budget. Memo from OMB Acting Director Jeffrey Zients to the Heads of […]

by David Rogers of Politico.com The Export-Import Bank won a new lease on life from Congress on Tuesday, as the Senate approved a House-passed bill extending the bank’s charter through September 2014 and raising its loan exposure cap to $140 billion — a 40 percent increase. The 78-20 vote ends months of haggling over the […]

On April 25, the UNCG Teaching Fellows  hosted a forum on local foods, as part of NC Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner Steve Troxler’s Speakers Series on Local and Sustainable Agriculture. The forum, free and open to the public, began at 6:30 p.m. in the Elliott University Center Auditorium and was preceded by a  reception before the forum […]

by CQ.com and Lauren Smith As Republicans blasted a Democratic plan to pay for a student loan interest rate break by closing a corporate tax loophole, Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., took to the floor Wednesday to announce a new bill. Alexander proposed an alternative that would draw upon money helping fund the new health care law (PL 111-148, PL […]

 Senate CJS Appropriations Subcommittee On April 17, the Senate Appropriations Commerce, Justice, Science Subcommittee approved by a vote of 17-1 their FY2013 spending bill providing $51.9 billion in discretionary budget authority. It includes a 3.3 percent or $240-million budget increase over FY12 levels for the National Science Foundation (NSF) for a total of $7.27 billion. […]